Sunday, September 20, 2009

St. Maarten -- getting there, an early morning walk, and breakfast.

Leaving home at 4:20 am gave us plenty of time to make our 7 am flight on Spirit Airlines.  

One of the other couples on the trip, Phil and Len, were on the same flight.  Because Spirit is a low-fare airline and we read a lot of negative reviews, we were relieved that the flight was quite pleasant -- even the two-hour layover in Ft. Lauderdale was bearable.  The only fly in the ointment was an "ugly American" type on the flight, an intoxicated loud-mouthed redneck retired truck driver who talked the entire time of the flight -- both legs -- about whatever came into his mind.  He had a companion who looked like him but was, thankfully, quiet.

But then we got to St. Maarten and relaxed in a restaurant in the airport waiting for Tom & Bonnie, the couple who arranged for our stay at the Sea Palace Resort.

Of course, having arrived in the tropics, we had to have tropical drinks.  

Our timing was exquisite because as we sat there in air conditioned comfort, a storm came in with heavy rain and wind.

We rented a van and drove to the Sea Palace.  Ours is a fifth floor room with a view of the bay and of the town and the Salt Pond.

Across the alley, we saw a young local girl eating lunch.

Dinner last night was in the Pink Pearl restaurant right here in the Sea Palace.  And who should show up but our loud-mouthed friend from the plane.  Turns out he is staying here, too, and has been drinking and talking loudly since he got here.

Everyone was ready to turn in after dinner.  Mike and I found the Georgia game and watched and dozed through it - 93 points?  Shame on both defenses.  At least Georgia won.

We got up early and after I scouted about fruitlessly for coffee, we took a long walk, finally getting a cup of coffee at McDonald's.  

And who should walk in but the quiet partner of the loudmouth?  Are we being stalked?

But the walk was fun and visually interesting.

We met the other two couples and went to breakfast at Chesterfields, about two-thirds of the way around the bay from our resort.

After breakfast, we took the van through town to a large supermarket and stocked up on breakfast food and necessities such as coffee and wine  Now we're having a bite of lunch in the Pink Pearl and uploading pictures and trying to get this blog updated.  Maybe we'll hit the beach, then.  Or nap.  It's vacation time.

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